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diameter_ipfilter_rule_t Class Reference

#include <diameter_parser_api.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

AAA_UINT8 action
AAA_UINT8 proto
bool frag
 Option rules.

std::list< int > ipOptionList
std::list< int > tcpOptionList
bool established
bool setup
std::list< int > tcpFlagList
std::list< AAA_UINT8_RANGE > icmpTypeRangeList

Detailed Description

IPFilterRule type.

Member Data Documentation

AAA_UINT8 diameter_ipfilter_rule_t::dir


AAA_IPFILTER_RULE_SRCDST diameter_ipfilter_rule_t::dst

The value 0 means wildcard number that matches any protocol.

bool diameter_ipfilter_rule_t::established

TCP Option list. An entry with a negative value means that the option corresponding to its positive value is negated.

std::list<AAA_UINT8_RANGE> diameter_ipfilter_rule_t::icmpTypeRangeList

TCP Flag list. An entry with a negative value means that the flag corresponding to its positive value is negated.

AAA_UINT8 diameter_ipfilter_rule_t::proto


bool diameter_ipfilter_rule_t::setup

TCP packets only. Match packets that have the RST or ACK bits set.

AAA_IPFILTER_RULE_SRCDST diameter_ipfilter_rule_t::src

The value 0 means wildcard number that matches any protocol.

std::list<int> diameter_ipfilter_rule_t::tcpFlagList

TCP packets only. Match packets that have the SYN bit set but no ACK bit

std::list<int> diameter_ipfilter_rule_t::tcpOptionList

IP Option list. An entry with a negative value means that the option corresponding to its positive value is negated.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Fri Jun 25 19:12:03 2004 for Open Diameter C++ API by doxygen 1.3.5