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PANA Functional Architecture


Victor I. Fajardo
Feb 6, 2004
The document is a architectural overview of the TARI implementation of PANA. This implementation currently adheres to existing PANA related drafts and will continue it's evolution as dictated by the drafts.

Overview Contents


C++ is used to allow an object oriented design approach. This also accomodates the preferred toolset used.


The following are tools used in the implementation:

ACE allows implementation of complex communications and general software patterns. This package allows abstractions to threading, synchronization, queueing, logging and other generalized implementation needs that would otherwise have to be re-invented. Although, the PANA does not require complex communications architecture, the overall coverage of ACE beyond communication needs significantly eases the implementation efforts. This holds true especially when supporting multiple platforms (windows, unix, etc.) since cross platform compatability has already been addressed by this toolset. Therefore, this allows developers to concentrate on the init PANA functionality.

Currently, the chosen method for static configuration storage is an XML file. This may change in the future. The design allows for this flexibility since the configuration formats is dictated by the internal data structures. Hence, the only required change would be the internal population of these structures which can easily be segragated via a single object interface. As of this writing, the backend implementation for this interface is based on Xerces C++. It is used for parsing and loading the XML configuration file. This package has both SAX and DOM based API's. The PANA implementation uses DOM.

Platform Support

PANA protocol entities will be required to exists in different platforms. The most likely of which are UNIX and Windows.

The Pac PANA entity has a high probability of residing under a windows environment since the predominant client devices are running unders a windows platform (Windows CE for PDA's, XP/NT/Win9X flavors for tablets or desktops). In the PANA draft 3 specification, it is assumed that PANA will operate with a valid IP address. Hence, the unspecified IP support in previous implementation has now been deprecated. There is no longer a need for NDIS based drivers for windows or raw socket support in UNIX systems. There are still system calls to query configuration of network interfaces but they will require only user level system calls.

For the PAA, a server environment with the proper scalable capabilities are required. The PANA server entity are also required to execute in privileged mode specifically because of it's interaction with the EP as well as backend AAA entities. The most probable approach is to implement PAA as a "server/backend" processes specific to each platform.


The PANA API model is geared towards interacting with EAP modules. The current PANA implementation does not have dependencies to any single EAP implementation but rather defines an API that will interface to any EAP implementation.

The PANA API is a simple session based API model. It comprises generally of two (2) C++ class definitions that users can instantiate. These are PANA_Node, PANA_PacSession. Also, required are two (2) C++ classes that users must derived from. These are PANA_ClientEventInterface and PANA_PaaEventInerface. These event interfaces follow a bridge or abstract pattern implemenation. The PANA_PaaSession can also be inherited by users depending on what is being accomplised. The PANA_Node instance is required for all applications. For sessions, depending on whether an entity will behave as a Pac or a PAA, instantiaton follows different patters. These are as follows:

A Pac session pattern is straight forward. A PANA_Node and PANA_PacSession instance is required. An instance of the derived class is required for each PANA Pac session. Each instance is required to register a user class derived from PANA_ClientEventInterface. This class overrides event handlers invoked by the PANA library. The following is an excerpt of the sample code which better describes the Pac API:

class PeerApplication : public PANA_ClientEventInterface
  PeerApplication(PANA_Node &n) : pacSession(n, *this),
    handle(EapJobHandle(AAA_GroupedJob::Create(n.Task().Job(), this, "peer"))),
	(new MyPeerSwitchStateMachine(*n.Task().reactor(), handle))),
  virtual ~PeerApplication()  {
  void Start()

  MyPeerSwitchStateMachine& Eap() { return *eap; }

  // called by PANA on incomming EAP request
  void EapRequest(AAAMessageBlock *request,
                  PANA_PINFO provider,
                  const PANA_CfgProviderInfo *pInfo) {     
  // called by PANA on incomming BIND request
  void EapRequest(AAAMessageBlock *request,
                  ACE_UINT32 resultCode,
                  ACE_UINT32 pcap) {
  // called by PANA on authorization of a peer 
  void AuthorizePeer(PANA_DeviceId &id, bool reAuth) { }
  // called by PANA on re-authentication request
  void ReAuthentication() { }
  // called by PANA on termination sequence
  void Disconnect(ACE_UINT32 cause) { }
  // called by PANA on session timeout
  void Timeout() { }
  // called by PANA on internal error or error message
  void Error(ACE_UINT32 resultCode) { }

  PANA_PacSession pacSession; // insance of PANA Pac
  EapJobHandle handle;
  boost::shared_ptr<MyPeerSwitchStateMachine> eap;
  EapContinuedPolicyElement md5Method;

Listing 1. PANA Pac API sample

The PAA session pattern is similar to the Pac except that the derived auth agent objects are generated by a factory. As with the Pac, applications MUST derive from PANA_PaaEventInterface class and provide application specific handlers for each session event. The difference is in instantiation of PANA_PaaSession or classes derived from it. PANA_PaaSession or classes derived from it MUST not be instantiated manually by the application but rather passed on as a template parameter to PANA_PacSessionFactoryAdapter<> class or other forms of it. This class is responsible for creating instance of the PANA_PaaSession based object based on demand.

The following is an excerpt of the sample code which better describes the Pac API:

class StandAloneAuthApplication : public PANA_PaaEventInterface

  StandAloneAuthApplication(PANA_Node &n) 
    : paaSession(n),
      handle(EapJobHandle(AAA_GroupedJob::Create(n.Task().Job(), this, "standalone"))),
	  (new MyStandAloneAuthSwitchStateMachine(*n.Task().reactor(), handle))),
    // start paa session
    // Policy settings for the authenticator
      (&md5Method, EapContinuedPolicyElement::PolicyOnSuccess);
      (&notificationMethod, EapContinuedPolicyElement::PolicyOnFailure);
  virtual ~StandAloneAuthApplication() {

  // called by PANA on accepting initial PANA start answer from peer
  void EapStart() {
  // called by PANA on incomming EAP response
  void EapResponse(AAAMessageBlock *response, bool separate) { 
  // called by PANA on authorization of a peer 
  void AuthorizePeer(PANA_DeviceId &id, bool reAuth) { }
  // called by PANA on re-authentication request
  void ReAuthentication() { }
  // called by PANA on termination sequence
  void Disconnect(ACE_UINT32 cause) { }
  // called by PANA on session timeout
  void Timeout() { }
  // called by PANA on internal error or error message
  void Error(ACE_UINT32 resultCode) { }

  //  MyEapStandAloneAuthSession& Eap() { return eap; }
  MyStandAloneAuthSwitchStateMachine& Eap() { return *eap; }

  PANA_PaaSession &paa() { return paaSession; }

  PANA_PaaSession paaSession; // PAA session
  EapJobHandle handle;
  boost::shared_ptr<MyStandAloneAuthSwitchStateMachine> eap;
  EapContinuedPolicyElement identityMethod;
  EapContinuedPolicyElement md5Method;
  EapContinuedPolicyElement notificationMethod;

class StandAloneSessionFactoryAdapter : public PANA_PaaSessionFactory
      StandAloneSessionFactoryAdapter(PANA_Node &n) :
	PANA_PaaSessionFactory(n), node(n) { }
      // virtual abstract method that needs to be implemented by the user
      PANA_PaaSession *Create() {
         StandAloneAuthApplication *app = new StandAloneAuthApplication(node, sem);
         if (app) {
	    return &(app->paa());
         return (0);
      PANA_Node &node;

Listing 2. PANA PAA API sample

Server Architecture

The server architecture as shown in Fig. 1 is subdivided into the following functional modules. Note that this current descriptions are depiction of the initial design elements and are subject to change.

In addition to these generalized services, the init module also manages interfaces (API's) to entities outside of the PAA. These interfaces are required by PANA to operate properly. The first of which is the EP interface. Based on the PANA draft, communication with the PAA and the EP may be based on a separate protocol (if EP is remote) or an API call (if EP is co-located). In either case, a generic EP interface MUST be implemented to shield the init PANA modules from this diverse linkage. The next interface is the AAA interface which would allow the PAA to pass EAP traffic to any type of backend AAA entity. As with the EP interface, a generic AAA interface MUST be implemented to shield the init PANA modules. In addition, this interface must allow for the flexibility of one or more backend AAA entities to exists. Both these interfaces must be configurable via the configuration file.

A timer queue is also present in the init module. It has it's own thread that efficiently triggers on the next calculated timing request for the PANA entity. An independent timer thread was chosen so as not to produce latency in any timing request. The handler for an expired timer, however, is still executed within the task object thread context.

The transport module consist of an egress scheduler (message transmission), and ingress scheduler. The functions of each can be described using ingress and egress traffic.

There exists a listener job to service incomming PANA traffic. This job performs a blocking read on the libraries UDP socket. PANA traffic can come either in UDP or multicast forms. In both cases, once a complete message is received by packet filter, the message is immediately queued for ingress scheduling. Queueing is done by passing raw buffered data into the task's job queue to be picked up by the next available thread. Once it's processed, the message is parsed into an internal message data structure. A partial check for validity (See 4.1.6 of the PANA draft) is made before being queued for processing by the ingress scheduler. The logical boundary of the transport module is the ingress scheduler.

For the egress traffic, all entities within the PAA queues thier outgoing pre-composed message into the egress scheduler. As with any other jobs in the software, queueing is done by passing the message along with the job to the thread pool. The first available thread would then provide an execution context for the transmission of the message.

The session module consist of the session resolution, message validation and state machine hanlders (discovery, authorization and termination handler). As with the other modules, execution context is provided by the thread pool.

The session resolution is the boundary of the session module as seen from the transport module. All PANA traffic is received by the session resolution. Messages are parsed messages (from raw buffers) passed in by the transport module. The session resolutin makes queries to the session database to determine the session object the message belongs to. If found, full validation of the message is then made (See 4.1.6 of PANA draft). If it passes validation, the messages will then be queued to the proper state machine handlers (discover, authoriation and termination).

A special case is made for PANA start answer message since a new session has to be created for this newly verified client. PANA discover messages are passed on to the discovery handler in a stateless manner. The server does not store state information but merely generates a cookie based on the Pac device id. On a successful discovery phase, an attempt is made to add a new session to the session databas upon receipt of a valid start answer message. (See Fig 2. and Fig 3. of Sec. 4.2 of the PANA Draft).

The state machine handlers, implements Sec. 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 of the PANA Draft. Details of it's functioning is best describe in the draft itself. Note that internal auxiallry functions exists in composing egress messages generated by these handlers.

latex server_architecture.eps Figure 1. PANA Server Functional Architecture

Note that the session database is necessary to manage simultaneous ongoing peer sessions. It is recommended that a fast access database structure be used in implementing the session database. Current implementation uses an Red-Black tree for storing session entries. The current state plus all other functional data required to maintain a PANA session will be stored in these session entries. In addtion, SA (security association) data will also be stored in these entries.

Client Architecture

The client architecture as shown in Fig. 2 is subdivided into the following functional modules. Note that this current descriptions are depiction of the initial design elements and maybe subject to change in future revisions.

The init module for the Pac is exactly the same as for the PAA. All auxillary features such as thread and memory pooling present. As describe in the server architecture, the excution context for all logical functions of the Pac will also be provided by the thread pool. The major differences in the Pac init module is that the management of EP and AAA interface is not present. What is present is an API that exposes the PANA client entity to the system. (which is also present in the PAA).

The transport module of Pac is similar to that of the PAA. The only difference is the validation of PANA messages which may have Pac specific checks. The egress scheduler as well as the ingress scheduler remains the same. The egress scheduler still functions as a broker for transmitting composed PANA messages. It also uses the low level packet filters exclusively for sending and receiving PANA traffic. For the incomming message processing, the functions are similar to the PAA except that the received message is passed on immediately to the state machine handlers instead of having an additional session resolution entity.

The session module is composed simply of the state machine handlers. As with the PAA, the state machine handlers is responsible for implementing the init PANA functionality as it relates to a Pac. Sec. 4 or the PANA draft describes this in detail. However, unlike the PAA session module which has a session resolution entity responsible for matching ingress messages to existing sessions, a PANA client entity has at most one active session at any given moment (this may change in the future). Message validity checking is done by auxillary objects within the state machine handler. A session database does not exist in the PANA client entity. It does not have significant use at this time.

latex client_architecture.eps Figure 2. PANA Client Functional Architecture

Building, Installing and Running

As noted above, PANA can be built in both windows and linux. Instructions for both are as follows:

1. Linux/UNIX: There is an autconf script at the root the PANA library directory. To build, simply run the configure script, ./configure. This will check for all necessary third-party libraries and environment settings. If configuration is successful, simply run make to build the library. Installation can be done by running make install although this can be done manually to suit the users environment (i.e. copying the source and headers to a directory appropriate for the user). You can also run the sample code pana_test1 from a user command line.

2. Win32: Installation under windows consist of a Windows Installer program that is downloaded from the distribution site. The windows installer currently install only source and header files for PANA plus pre-built binaries (DLL's and sample code only). The installer is a standard windows installer that allows you flexibility on the target directory where the PANA files will be installed. The installer also registers with the Add/Remove Programs list in the windows Control Panel for easy removal/re-installation. If you wish to rebuild the DLL's and sample code, the use of VC++ 7.1 (.NET 2003) is required. There is a Solutions directory directly under the PANA library root. Under this directory, there is a solutions file PANA.sln that contains references to all the project files that PANA requires. It also includes the project file for the "Windows Installer" itself. When running VC++ 7.1, you can selectively build whichever target you wish but the base dependencies is the PANA DLL.

Configuration Files

The configuation files for both Pac and PAA are XML based. Most entries in the configuration file are self explanatory and hence an excerpt of a sample configuration file are shown here. Note that the difference between the Pac and PAA configuration is that the Pac has an extra configuration section. Differences are noted below:

<pana_configuration xmlns:xsi=""

    <!-- General configuration section
         common to both PAA and Pac -->

        <!-- Number of threads to start in the thread pool -->
        <!-- PANA UDP listening port -->
        <!-- Interface name to bind the driver to
             For windows, this is the adapter name (i.e. Intel(R) PRO ...)
             For linux, this is the interface name (i.e. eth0, eth1) -->
        <interface_name>Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Mobile Connection</interface_name>
        <!-- Message re-transmission interval -->
        <!-- Maximum message re-transmission before error notification -->
        <!-- Local session lifetime -->
        <!-- Locally configured protection capability -->
        <!-- Dictionary file used by message parser -->

        <!-- Session resumption flags -->


Listing 3. PANA PAA sample configuration

<pana_configuration xmlns:xsi=""

    <!-- General section. Same entries and
         definitions as PAA -->




    <!-- Pac specific session, relevant only
         to Pac entities -->

        <!-- Pre-configured IP address of PAA if any -->

        <!-- Pre-configured multicast address of PAA if any -->

        <!-- PAA listener port number -->

Source Distribution

The current implementation of PANA entities (client and server) involves support for multiple platforms as stated in Sec. 3 of this document. The directory structure below shows the outline of the source tree.

   \docs                 # documentation
      \win32             # object files and executables
      \linux             # object files and binaries 
   \include              # API's for accessing PANA entity from the device 
   \src                  # PANA init source code
      \linux             # Linux specific transport source code
      \win32             # Windows specific transport source code
   \config               # Configuration files
   \drivers              # Packet filtering drivers
   \Solutions            # Solutions directory for VC++ .NET files

Notes: UNIX autoconf files exist in the PANA_ROOT directory.
       All source code that implements the init PANA functionality resides
       in PANA_ROOT\src. All header files exposed to the system (via DLL
       in windows) are in PANA_ROOT\include. PANA_ROOT\config
       will contain XML configuration files for linux based systems.
       For unix systems, autoconf was used to generate makefiles. Therefore,
       you need to run the 'configure' script from builds/$OS directory to
       allow a clean cross compile environment. You may run configure from
       the PANA_ROOT directory but it will distribute the build the binaries
       inside the source directories.

Note that the include directories exposes the EP interface and the AAA interface for PAA and the PANA API for the Pac. RADIUS and DIAMETER modules (and others) are backend hooks to for the AAA interface and allows the PAA to interact with various AAA entities. These modules are also configurable via entries in the XML configuration files.


[PANA Draft] D. Forsber, Y. Ohba, B Pati, H. Tschofenig, A. Yegin: "Protocol for carrying Authentication for Network Access", PANA Working Group Draft, March 2003
Generated on Fri Jun 25 19:18:29 2004 for PANA by doxygen 1.3.5